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  • ILA 2021 Virtual Conference

ILA 2021 Virtual Conference

  • Wednesday, October 06, 2021
  • 10:00 AM
  • Thursday, October 07, 2021
  • 5:30 PM
  • Virtual


  • Sponsorship entitles your company to recognition as a conference supporter on the ILA website. This recognition consists of your company’s name and logo displayed on the conference information page. This recognition will remain up into the spring of 2022.
  • Sponsorship includes everything in the bronze tier as well as recognition as the sponsor of a particular conference session. This recognition consists of a slide, designed by your company, placed at the beginning of the sponsored presentation and a verbal mention crediting sponsorship as the presentation begins. The slide and verbal mention will remain as the presentation opening as the presentation is then archived for continued viewing by Idaho librarians into the spring of 2022 . This gives your company the potential for several hundred contacts over the course of 2022.
  • Sponsorship includes everything in both the bronze and silver tiers. It also includes the recognition as a major sponsor of your company by name and logo in all marketing and media mentions of ILA's 2021 annual conference as well as the inclusion of a video, up to two minutes in length and created by your company, to be played before the start of your company's sponsored session.

Registration is closed

Moving Forward: What We Learned, Where We Go From Here

Brought to you buy: ICfL, Idaho STEM Action Center, Reader Zone, Ingram, Emporia State University, Overdrive, Rediscovered Books, Idaho State Archives, ABDO Books, EBSCO Information Services, and University of Idaho

This year's conference will offer:

·  2 hour in-depth sessions one or both days

·  50 minute virtual sessions across two days

·  15 minute virtual poster sessions one or both days

·  General session sharing Association updates 

·  Discussion of legislative session advocacy

·  Statewide networking and sharing opportunities within ILA Divisions and within specific interest areas

·  Jamboard featuring snippets from across the state

·  Online auction to support Intellectual Freedom efforts

·   Virtual awards dinner October 7

Registration is currently open

© 2021 Idaho Library Association

Idaho Library Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. PO Box 140234, Garden City, ID  83714

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